
Showing posts from August, 2020

Good Night Sweet Dreams Take Care #gnsdtc

Night is a special time. A time to recharge (not just) your (phone) batteries. A time to reflect on the day that has gone by. And a time to let go of the past and get ready for the future. If you have read this post before, here’s wishing you a good night’s sleep. If you haven’t or if you wish to remind yourself of what’s important, read on. And then read no more, until it’s dawn. 24 hours every day, that is what we get, and sometimes 24 hours seem woefully inadequate. Borrowing a few hours of time from your sleep time feels like the right thing to do, the smart thing to do. Until it doesn’t. Bad sleep habits become life-long bad habits. Here are some of the things that you should do: If it’s bed time already, do not read this post, go sleep. If it’s bed time and you do read this post, do not read or listen to or watch anything after this post. Lock your phone and close your eyes. Don’t steal time from sleep. If you think you can make do with less sleep, you might be wrong....

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

  Considering the fact that sleep is how we spend nearly a third of our time, it better be used effectively. If the average person lives to 75 years old, they spend 25 years of their life on Earth asleep. That might sound like a ton of time but getting the right amount of sleep can extend your life by decades, so it might just be worth it. Your quality of life also improves, so this is something very important to keep in mind. Some people might view that as time wasted, but it is essential time to live a happy life during those 50 waking years. However, many people try to skimp on sleep and get the least amount of sleep possible; there are some serious health problems that can accompany lack of sleep. How Much Sleep Do I Need? The amount of sleep you need changes as you age. As a newborn baby, the average person needed 14 to 17 hours of sleep. This amount decreases slowly until the child reaches school age, where they should be getting 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Teenagers should...

What is a Sleep Schedule?

  You body has an internal clock that follows a pattern. You might notice when following a sleep schedule that you often wake up just before your alarm. This phenomenon is not due to the fact that your body knows it’s 7:59; rather, your body knows it’s been 7 hours and it’s time to wake up. A sleep schedule is simply going to bed at the same time each day and waking up at the same time each day. If you follow a sleep schedule, your body will learn the pattern of your sleep and will set a natural rhythm that will help you stay on track throughout the day. When you’re constantly changing the time that you’re waking up or going to bed, your body won’t have that consistency and will not function properly. You’ll find that you’re tired at random moments or that you have energy when trying to go to sleep.

Benefits of a Sleep Schedule

  Having a sleep cycle works out these issues. You will have a natural routine and your stress of falling asleep at night will turn into an anticipated ritual where you fall asleep quickly and easily. You’ll also have the benefit of your body being ready to wake up at the same time every day, so your body won’t fight you; it knows the routine. These benefits also extend to when you’re awake during the day. Since your body anticipates the consistency of your sleep schedule, you won’t be tired or distracted during the day. Your body will know when it gets to sleep and when it needs to stay awake. Too many people followed strict bedtime rules as children but then gave them up as adults. Turns out, it’s just as important now to follow a strict pattern of waking up and going to bed. Try it for a few days and get on a constant sleep schedule; your body will thank you.

The Importance of a Sleep Schedule

As a child, the rules of bedtime are usually strictly enforced, depending on the child’s parents. The wakeup time is also usually consistent since the child is often attending school most days of the week. Children have this advantage of a sleep schedule over most adults, who often don’t follow much of a schedule at all. Sleep consumes a third of our entire lives; it’s one of the most important things we do. The quality of our sleep affects every aspect of our life; it’s certainly nothing to take lightly. Luckily, scientists have discovered exactly what we need to do to have healthy sleep and benefit from these hours of rest. Sticking to a sleep schedule has been found to be one of the most important aspects of sleeping. Those who stick to a sleep schedule reap numerous health benefits and have far more energy than the average person.